Who We Are
We are a caring community, growing together through meaningful connections.
Opportunities for all!
Together, we are... empowering the people of Huntington Green to build a secure and vibrant community by fostering faith, advocacy, and learning.
Our Team.
“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” - Proverbs 16:3
Why do we choose to work at Caterpillar? Let us share our stories with you!
Sarah Fortner
Executive Director
For over 15 years, Caterpillar Ministries has been growing and changing alongside the residents of the Huntington Green community. We love our neighbors (seniors, adults, youth and children) and always want to be learning more about the love of Jesus and serving others with them. We provide spiritual support and education; academic assistance, including tutoring, back-to-school supplies and liaison with schools; family activities like seasonal parties, summer camps and teen nights; adult programs like sewing classes and nutrition for women; and benevolence in the form of a food pantry, and help with rent/utilities. Often, advocacy and crisis assistance offer a light of hope in scary situations. And the Lord — who is the Spirit — makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image. 2 Cor. 3:18 While the staff said goodbye to Anne Crawford, our founder who retired in 2020, we look forward to many more years of faithful friendship and ministry in the neighborhood and the wider community. We invite you to be a part of Team Caterpillar. Please reach out and stop by Dad's House for a visit!
Maritza Stutts
Community Engagement Director
BIO: I am very grateful to be on Team Caterpillar! From the moment I was introduced to Caterpillar Ministries, Sarah Fortner, the team and families, I knew in my heart this is where God had brought me-I felt that I naturally belonged. The families, individuals, those young, golden and in between all captured my heart in love, care, service.
Deanna Edwards
Transportation & Kids Ministry Assistant
BIO: I love being part of team Caterpillar. Being able to help out in the community is a blessing and spreading love, teaching the word of Christ, and meeting new people along with making new friendships is a win-win for me. If I can make at least one person feel welcome and cared for as Caterpillar did me about seven years ago, I know I’ve reached my goal. Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Lisa Hawkins
Program & Operations Director
BIO: God has been calling me to serve outside of the walls of the church for almost 20 years. Three years ago, this calling led me to conversations with Sarah Fortner about bringing my church’s summer “Love in a Bag” ministry to Huntington Green to share picnic style lunches with children and to talk about Jesus. Through these gatherings, I fell deeply in love with the children and their families. After much prayer and conversation at home, I retired early from my corporate career to spend more time in the community. It’s been such a gift to get to know Caterpillar families, learn from them and walk alongside them in ministry. I’m so grateful to God for leading me to Caterpillar Ministries and for the privilege to be a part of Team Caterpillar.
Luz Maria De La Rosa
Family Liaison
BIO: I'm Luzmaria, and I have worked for Caterpillar Ministries for 2 years. In my role as Family Liaison, I connect families to programs, staff, volunteers, and each other. My goal is to help kids to keep growing, and help families with what they need and make them feel welcome. I love to work here because I'm watching kids grow and achieve things in life. This gives me so much pride and joy.
Emily Rhew
Youth Ministry Coordinator
BIO: I choose to work at Caterpillar Ministries because of the incredible joy it is to be a part of our student’s lives here in Huntington Green. I am honored to play a small role in helping them come to better understand that they are indeed God’s masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus for the good things He has planned for them long ago (Ephesians 2:10). I love listening, encouraging, and praying with our students as they navigate both the successes and the setbacks that are a part of this life. It is such a gift to help them realize their purpose and God-given potential, and I absolutely love learning about Jesus alongside of them and sharing about how He is forever faithful to bring beauty from brokenness. Some of my favorite things about working for Caterpillar are conversations shared with kids, bringing Starbucks to student gatherings and Bible studies, and getting to know neighbors and volunteers.
Elizabeth Cruz Rodriguez
Community Health Director
BIO: I was raised in Huntington Green and was a witness of Caterpillar Ministries doing God's work first-hand. I appreciated Caterpillar Ministries walking beside neighbors through their hardships and celebrations. It's wonderful being able to join the team and help people navigate through challenges, not just health related ones. I appreciate the love Caterpillar has for all our neighbors and wanted to contribute the love I have for my community too. As I began my career in the health field, it just so happened Caterpillar was in need of someone to fill that role at Dad’s House. I believe it was all in God’s plan and timing.
Sofia Martinez-Arias
Kids Ministry Assistant
BIO: 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." This bible verse is why I wanted to work for Caterpillar Ministries. Caterpillar has changed me because it feels like home with a very welcoming team with challenges, goals, and happy creations that God allows us to make as part of our memories. Caterpillar has become part of my career path with children because my goal is to help provide children with great education and have a trusted adult for anything. But my goal is not to only work with children but to also help and provide for my community.
Dhennisse Grullon
Transportation Assistant
BIO: I have been with Caterpillar since its beginnings with Mrs. Ann, Cherry and all the other volunteers. Caterpillar was the basis for having my children focused on a better future. I love serving my community, and in this way, I am more directly connected to all the families who are part of it.
“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Philippians 2:3-4
Michelle Heath, Chair
Beverly Hall, Vice Chair
Robin Poythress, Treasurer
Cindy Cooper, Secretary
Angelita Lopez
Bob Greer
Michael Main
Mike Sellers
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